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pollution hotspots
6 Articles
Chicagoans breathe the most polluted air of the year on Independence Day
The hours between 9 p.m. and midnight on July 4, 2021, ranked as the most intensely polluted hours the city experienced at any point over the past year, according to analysis of data on Chicago’s air quality. The new analysis is part of an ongoing project about air quality by MuckRock, WBEZ and the Sun-Times.
Existen varias zonas críticas con mala calidad del aire en Chicago. Queremos escuchar cómo la contaminación ha afectado a usted y su familia.
Estamos también buscando voluntarios para instalar sensores de calidad del aire en el exterior de sus casas. Si está interesado, complete el formulario más abajo.
Help us investigate Chicago’s air quality
Local newsrooms are collaborating to measure air pollution in Chicago and nearby suburbs. And we need your help.
What’s in the air?: An illustrated explainer of particulate matter
Fine particulate matter is responsible for an estimated 5% of all premature deaths in Chicago. What is it and where does it come from?
Chicago’s air pollution hotspots: New sensor network reveals neighborhood air quality disparities
Chicago’s air pollution hotspots: New sensor network reveals neighborhood air quality disparities