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Primary documents and FOIA requests for my October 2018 Wired feature on polygraphs

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Converus lie dectector

Primary documents regarding Converus use by police departments, for my feature in Wired magazine.

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Well into the '80s, the CIA was still using polygraphs to root out gay employees

Well into the ‘80s, the CIA was still using polygraphs to root out gay employees

In a 1995 executive order, President Bill Clinton declared that “No inference concerning standards [for government employment] may be raised solely on the basis of the sexual orientation of the employee.” Leading up to the decision, the Central Intelligence Agency and other agencies had a long history of discrimination against gay employees, viewing their homosexuality as a gateway to blackmail, extortion, and treason.

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CIA objected to the Federal Employee’s Bill of Rights on grounds it would interfere with Agency's gay witch hunt

CIA objected to the Federal Employee’s Bill of Rights on grounds it would interfere with Agency’s gay witch hunt

In the late ’60s and early ’70s, Senator Sam Ervin was working determinedly to get a Federal Employee’s Bill of Rights passed through Congress. The Central Intelligence Agency identified several areas of the bill that they felt were problematic, including how it would interfere with the Agency’s use of the polygraph as a tool to identify and terminate any “homosexual employees.”

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Intelligence Community ignored task force recommendations that could have prevented Snowden leaks

Intelligence Community ignored task force recommendations that could have prevented Snowden leaks

Task Group Six was an interagency working group for members of the National Security Council on the problem of intelligence compromises. As a result of its study, it made a number of recommendations to improve security and reduce the likelihood of insider threats - changing the way the intelligence agencies did business by putting a natural limit on the scope of their activities. If these policies had been pursued, it’s unlikely that Snowden would have had the justification or the ability to leak the materials he did. Instead, the recommendations that would have seen an actual shift in the status quo were ignored.

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