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Five lessons from "FOIA Strategies and Tactics"

Five lessons from “FOIA Strategies and Tactics”

Last weekend, an anonymously-attributed presentation entitled “FOIA Strategies and Tactics” started making the rounds in the #OpenGov community, offering something for beginners, veterans, and fans of vintage Tex Avery alike. While the whole thing’s worth a read, today we wanted to focus on the five points brought up in the presentation’s conclusion, as they address some often-overlooked elements of the whole FOIA process.

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Join us in DC on November 1st for transparency tactics and FOIA Karaoke

Join us in DC on November 1st for transparency tactics and FOIA Karaoke

In the D.C. area and want to learn how to peek inside federal agencies using FOIA? Join us on November 1st for a unique look at the latest strategies and new advice for more targeted requests presented by MuckRock founder Michael Morisy, followed by a few rounds of “FOIA Karaoke.”

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Before NSA's slides were made with PowerPoint, they looked like this ...

Before NSA’s slides were made with PowerPoint, they looked like this …

Included in the release of the NSA’s psychic research program is a document labeled “Chart Depicting Interaction/Dependencies Acting on Parapsychology.” The hand-drawn chart is the only thing in the document, and it looks awfully familiar …

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How to host your own FOIA Karaoke

How to host your own FOIA Karaoke

FOIA and public records are vital to holding our government accountable - but that doesn’t mean you can’t have some fun with the results, too. Here’s how you can host your own FOIA Karaoke - and if you do, let us know how it goes!

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Join SPJ-DC and MuckRock in the nation’s capital to learn new FOIA tactics

Join SPJ-DC and MuckRock in the nation’s capital to learn new FOIA tactics

In the D.C. area and want to learn how to peek inside federal agencies using FOIA? Join the Society of Professional Journalists D.C. chapter and MuckRock for a fun, informative talk by FOIA expert Michael Ravnitzky, followed by a few rounds of FOIA Karaoke.

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