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Miles from help: a project on maternal health in rural places

This project aims to understand why pregnant women in rural places aren’t receiving the care that they need and what we can do about it.

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Wisconsin domestic violence policies put fetus over host freedom

Wisconsin domestic violence policies put fetus over host freedom

Wisconsin State Patrol policies regarding domestic violence extend the law all the way to the womb, where the unborn children of Wisconsin women may be at risk.

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Cost is a significant hurdle to ending the rape kit backlog

Cost is a significant hurdle to ending the rape kit backlog

For the last year, we’ve been requesting data surrounding the national backlog of untested sexual assault evidence. While we still don’t know the actual number- so far more than 225,000 rape kits have been found sitting on evidence collection shelves and in hospitals from coast to coast - we have a greater understanding of the many hurdles victims and law enforcement face. There are many reasons rape kits go untested, and the lack of forensic funding continues to exacerbate the problem.

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