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As part its psychic research, the CIA explored claims of Soviet superweapons

As part its psychic research, the CIA explored claims of Soviet superweapons

As part of its ongoing psychic research in the ’80s, the Central Intelligence Agency explored the ideas of notorious “free energy” advocate Tom Bearden, according to one of Bearden’s papers discovered in the CREST archives by Mike Lewinski. In particular, the Agency was interested in “STAR WARS NOW!,” Bearden’s warning of Soviet weaponization of electromagnetic fields to create superweapons such as the “Tesla Howitzer.”

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The Pentagon collected research that warned Soviets with “super-human abilities” could shoot lightning out of their hands

The Pentagon collected research that warned Soviets with “super-human abilities” could shoot lightning out of their hands

As late as 1990, reports collected by the Pentagon show the U.S. Government was willing to take seriously reports that the Soviets were able to manifest “ball lightning” by using the brain as a “superconductor.”

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Whatever “suggestology” is, the Pentagon was terrified of it

Whatever “suggestology” is, the Pentagon was terrified of it

A 1972 report for the Defense Intelligence Agency spends about four pages describing and worrying about “suggestology,” and the name is the least ridiculous part about it.

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