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public records law

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Black bars on a white background with the words For the Record underlined

For the Record: New bill in Louisiana would exempt economic development projects from the state’s public record law

MuckRock’s For the Record column goes to Louisiana to understand how a new proposed legislation would exclude a local government’s “active” negotiations in economic development projects.

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Black bars with the words, For the Record

For the Record: The state of new public records legislation in Colorado and Kentucky

This week’s For the Record tackles proposed state legislation in Colorado and Kentucky that would change how public records are accessed.

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In Texas, Attorney General judgements on exceptions are the rule

In Texas, Attorney General judgements on exceptions are the rule

Appeals are a critical tool for records requesters who want government agencies to cough up their secrets, but what if an agency puts up its defense before you even know you’re in a disclosure fight?

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UPDATED: Come fight for transparency as MuckRock’s Sam Whitmore Media Survey Fellow

UPDATED: Come fight for transparency as MuckRock’s Sam Whitmore Media Survey Fellow

Want to explore the cutting edge of public records, while helping reporters, researchers, and others get more out of these critical laws? Apply to be MuckRock’s Sam Whitmore Media Survey Fellow and spend eight months with transparency as your beat, tracking changing laws, developing new FOIA strategies, and working on reporting and resources that will help all requesters.

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Donate your FOIA appeals to science

Donate your FOIA appeals to science

For the past year, MuckRock has been working on an appeal tool to help anyone understand public records rejections, see their options, and file a successful appeal. Now, we’re asking for FOIA hounds everywhere to help out: Send us your successful appeals!

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