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FBI's investigation into Mikhail Lesin's death doesn't contradict accidental death narrative

FBI’s investigation into Mikhail Lesin’s death doesn’t contradict accidental death narrative

The official record on the 2015 death of Mikhail Lesin deems the event an accident, the result of falling and suffering a number of “blunt force injuries” in his hotel room after a days-long alcohol binge. But while others have cast doubt on that account, attributing it to more nefarious external actors, materials released by the Federal Bureau of Investigation don’t contradict the accidental death determination.

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FCC complaints show Stephen Colbert drawing ire from both sides of the political spectrum

FCC complaints show Stephen Colbert drawing ire from both sides of the political spectrum

While outrage fueled FCC complaints are usually a source of glee for people who love to laugh at people who take things too seriously, some of the umbrage directed against Stephen Colbert for referring to President Trump’s mouth as a receptacle for the genitalia of Vladimir Putin made some good points.

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