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racial profiling

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Eight years in, LAPD can’t measure PredPol’s effect on crime

Eight years in, LAPD can’t measure PredPol’s effect on crime

An internal audit of the Los Angeles Police Department’s Chronic Offender Program and PredPol usage found few accurate ways to measure accountability in data-driven policing.

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‘50s CIA report critical of Soviet police techniques has eerie parallels to the modern American criminal justice system

‘50s CIA report critical of Soviet police techniques has eerie parallels to the modern American criminal justice system

In the midst of the Cold War, the Central Intelligence Agency routinely collected information about the methods of control employed by the Soviet Union to capture, incarcerate, and punish those opposed to the state. While the CIA used this information to denounce the USSR in reports such as this one available in the CREST archives, a modern reader will note how several of the criticized policies resemble those of the criminal justice system in modern day America.

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New Jersey police have federal immigration powers, but limited oversight

New Jersey police have federal immigration powers, but limited oversight

Giving federal authority to local police departments is a dicey endeavor to begin with, but when even the top lawyer in the state decides the rules governing the scope of that authority are irrelevant, the situation is made even more dangerous for immigrants, or for anyone who might be racially profiled as immigrants.

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