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Haters: Documenting Extremist and Hate Groups

Documenting extremist and hate groups through government documents, ranging from the small time racist groups to the domestic terrorist branches of the KKK. This project takes an inclusive approach of identifying hate groups, regardless of whether they focus on race, sexual identity, religion, etc. Many of the groups were identified by the Southern Poverty Law Center.

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3 Articles

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Five unsettling FBI surveillance tips from the '40s

Five unsettling FBI surveillance tips from the ‘40s

We’ve written before about the FBI’s 1947 guide to investigatory techniques and their heavy reliance on period-authentic casual racism. Today, we’ll be looking at the section on surveillance under false pretenses, which manages the perfect blend between adorably dated and downright creepy.

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CIA's classified KKK joke

CIA’s classified KKK joke

In the mid-’80s, stories started circulating around Washington about an investigation into an alleged Ku Klux Klan meeting at Central Intelligence Agency’s headquarters in Langley. While the Agency insisted that the whole thing was a “tasteless joke” that had gotten out of hand, the public was left with no choice but to take their word for it - the report containing the investigation’s findings was classified.

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How much is America spending on racist statues?

How much is America spending on racist statues?

MuckRock is asking you to submit examples of the most racist memorials and monuments in the country. We’ll follow up by submitting records requests that will help us find out exactly how much time and energy local, state, and federal agencies devote to upkeep.

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25 Requests

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