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riot gear

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Police in Newnan, Georgia had received close to a million dollars in military equipment from the Pentagon

Police in Newnan, Georgia had received close to a million dollars in military equipment from the Pentagon

This weekend, images of a heavily-armed law enforcement presence at a white supremacist rally and counter-protest in Newnan, Georgia again brought the issue of growing police militarization to the forefront. A review of records originally released as part of Shawn Musgrave’s project to track the Pentagon’s transfers of military equipment to local police departments through the infamous 1033 program show that not only did the NPD receive close to a million dollars in gear from the program but also non-lethal ordinance specifically intended for use as crowd control.

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Exploring the future of policing at the International Association of Chiefs of Police Expo

Exploring the future of policing at the International Association of Chiefs of Police Expo

Last week, Curtis Waltman was given the opportunity to travel to Philadelphia, where the International Association of Chiefs of Police Conference was being held. If you’ve ever wondered what a police trade show is like, you’re about to find out.

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Police departments across the country are spending millions on riot gear

Police departments across the country are spending millions on riot gear

We’ve all seen the lines of police at protests donning head to toe armor, batons and/or launchers at the ready, glowering down at protesters through face shields. But how much does all that gear cost? According to the early returns on riot gear budgeting requests we have been filing, quite a lot.

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