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FOIA roundup: Trump’s tweet may trigger declassification and more from FOIA

FOIA roundup: Trump’s tweet may trigger declassification and more from FOIA

In this week’s FOIA Roundup, we feature a new book about America’s disposal of nerve agents in the Pacific Ocean and take a look at the limits of Trump’s tweets to affect declassification. Let us know if you see something we’ve missed!

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Add your name to our FOIA request for the full Mueller Report

Add your name to our FOIA request for the full Mueller Report

Earlier this week, we took a look at what you likely could (and couldn’t) get of the Special Counsel’s Report through FOIA. A number of readers were interested in filing their own requests for materials, or in getting updates as these requests were fulfilled. So we’ve made it easy for anyone to file, signing on to a group FOIA for a copy of the Mueller Report as well as other materials we thought would be worth getting into the public domain

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FOIA the Mueller Report: What will the Special Counsel's Office release?

FOIA the Mueller Report: What will the Special Counsel’s Office release?

It’s been just three days since Special Counsel Robert S. Mueller III passed his report on to Attorney General William P. Barr, and already Freedom of Information Act lawsuits are flying. Here’s what’s likely to be released and how you can follow along for instant updates on related requests.

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The CIA was warned of a potential "Red Dawn" scenario in Alaska

The CIA was warned of a potential “Red Dawn” scenario in Alaska

A 1951 letter to the Central Intelligence Agency from a former spymaster warned of Russian infiltration in North America’s northern territories. Despite being described by the CIA’s cover letter as discussing the Soviet threat to Alaska and Canada “in very general terms,” its information and warning were considered important enough to send to J. Edgar Hoover in a package marked SECRET, and it remained classified until late 2018 - 67 years after it was written.

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CIA World Tour: Eastern Europe and Eurasia

CIA World Tour: Eastern Europe and Eurasia

As part of our ongoing project to document Central Intelligence Agency activities around the planet, we’re compiling a curated list of links to records in the CIA archives, divided by country and presidential administration. Today we’re looking at the Eastern Europe and Eurasia

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