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“Jane/John Doe” rape kits provide important medical care, but they sit untested in the backlog

“Jane/John Doe” rape kits provide important medical care, but they sit untested in the backlog

Anonymous rape kits allow victims who choose to not press charges to receive critical medical care. But opting out of pressing charges shouldn’t preclude testing, and shouldn’t relegate the kit to sit forgotten on an evidence room shelf.

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Police departments across the country are spending millions on riot gear

Police departments across the country are spending millions on riot gear

We’ve all seen the lines of police at protests donning head to toe armor, batons and/or launchers at the ready, glowering down at protesters through face shields. But how much does all that gear cost? According to the early returns on riot gear budgeting requests we have been filing, quite a lot.

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San Jose's rape kit backlog is over twice the official count

San Jose’s rape kit backlog is over twice the official count

Just last year San Jose rewrote their penal code to test every backlogged rape kit in their system. However, due to a number of legal circumstances where police departments aren’t required to have kits tested, over half of San Jose’s untested kits don’t count as part of the “official” backlog

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San Jose Police issue apology while also claiming FAA immunity

San Jose Police issue apology while also claiming FAA immunity

Yesterday, police in San Jose issued a statement apologizing for failing to consult the public ahead of acquiring an unmanned aerial vehicle. Hours later, the department released additional documents showing the department considered itself immune from FAA regulation.

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San Jose Police finally found their drone documents

San Jose Police finally found their drone documents

After two responses claiming no docs existed, the San Jose Police Department has finally dug out receipts and grant applications for its hazmat drone purchased in January 2014.

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