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FBI kept tabs on Aldous Huxley's dark vision of the future

FBI kept tabs on Aldous Huxley’s dark vision of the future

The FBI file of Aldous Huxley, released after a FOIA request by Joseph Lloyd, reveals that while the English author was never under official investigation, the Bureau found his dystopian view of the future interesting enough to follow him and take notes.

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FBI informant warned Bureau that Ray Bradbury's sci-fi was part of a commie plot to sap American resolve

FBI informant warned Bureau that Ray Bradbury’s sci-fi was part of a commie plot to sap American resolve

Science fiction - a commie plot to undermine American values? It’s an idea that the FBI was strongly considering during the height of the Cold War, as its lengthy investigation into acclaimed author Ray Bradbury shows.

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Was Isaac Asimov secretly "ROBPROF," a Soviet spy within the highest ranks of academia?

Was Isaac Asimov secretly “ROBPROF,” a Soviet spy within the highest ranks of academia?

By September 14th, 1960, Isaac Asimov had been a professor of biochemistry Boston University for 11 years, and his acclaimed “I, Robot” collection of short stories was on its seventh reprint. This was also the day someone not-so-subtly accused him of communist sympathies in a letter to J. Edgar Hoover.

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