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Tennessee drops medical marijuana stock, but invests millions in alcohol and tobacco

Tennessee drops medical marijuana stock, but invests millions in alcohol and tobacco

Tennessee officials were surprised to learn that its state retirement system owned over 7,000 shares of stock in a real estate investment trust that provides capital for the medical marijuana industry. While the state sold those shares, citing “policy implications,” recent Securities and Exchange Commission filings show that Tennessee remains invested in other substances that, while legal, have major health policy implications.

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It’s FOIA-nally here: the winner of FOIA March Madness 2019

It’s FOIA-nally here: the winner of FOIA March Madness 2019

In the only faceoff known to the field of FOIA, we pit 64 federal Freedom of Information Act offices against each other to win the ultimate prize in competitive records requesting, that most lofty label: Most Responsive Agency.

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A look over this year’s FOIA March Madness responses

A look over this year’s FOIA March Madness responses

The Securities and Exchange Commission receives thousands of FOIA requests each year - over 13,000 during the last one - and yet they managed to walk away the winner of MuckRock’s annual FOIA March Madness competition for the second year running. Other departments, though, have also provided some sort of response, and they’ve done so with variation; we’ll take a look at some of those differences here.

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Prison contracts regularly come up for reconsideration

Prison contracts regularly come up for reconsideration

Each year, dozens of private prison contracts come up for re-bid. Help MuckRock’s Private Prison Project by letting us know about the contract debate near you.

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Announcing the winner of FOIA March Madness 2018

Announcing the winner of FOIA March Madness 2018

Time moves at a different pace in the current FOI universe, and in keeping with tradition, we’re wrapping up our annual race to the completed request, FOIA March Madness 2018, well past the 20-day mark.

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