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Throughout the '50s, the FBI hung on Dorothy Parker's every word

Throughout the ‘50s, the FBI hung on Dorothy Parker’s every word

After a little over two years of processing, the National Archives and Records Administration has released the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s files on the writer Dorothy Parker - the first time those files have been made public since the FBI removed them from their FOIA reading room over a decade ago.

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Nine reasons to love Bella Abzug

Nine reasons to love Bella Abzug

Loving Bella Abzug is easy - unless you’re in the Central Intelligence Agency or Federal Bureau of Investigation. Then she was a dangerous leftist who needed to be monitored. Here are several reasons why she should be your nonproblematic fav, based on her FBI file and documents in CIA’s declassified archive.

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In honor of Indigenous Peoples Day, help MuckRock release the FBI files of famous indigenous activists

In honor of Indigenous Peoples Day, help MuckRock release the FBI files of famous indigenous activists

In honor of Indigenous Peoples Day, MuckRock will be continuing our coverage of the American Indian Movement and other Native American activist groups. In typical MuckRock fashion, this involves mainly FBI files.

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Russell Means' FBI file offers a day-by-day account of the American Indian Movement's occupation of Wounded Knee

Russell Means’ FBI file offers a day-by-day account of the American Indian Movement’s occupation of Wounded Knee

Russell Means was a seminal figure in Indigenous politics for decades, rising to the rank of National Director of the American Indian Movement in 1970. His 178 page FBI file, however, only includes records regarding one incident Means was involved in - the 1973 occupation of Wounded Knee, a months-long standoff between AIM activists carrying small arms, and local and federal law enforcement packing 133,000 rounds of ammunition, armored personnel carriers, and .50 caliber machine guns.

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The FBI considered charging the American Indian Movement's John Trudell with "Insurrection"

The FBI considered charging the American Indian Movement’s John Trudell with “Insurrection”

To mark the 49th anniversary this week of the founding of the American Indian Movement (AIM), we’re taking a look at the FBI files of John Trudell, esteemed Santee Dakota poet, writer, speaker, and musician who was a key member of AIM, rising to the rank of National Chairman by the mid seventies. To the Bureau, Trudell was a renowned “agitator,” but within his community he was a motivator who inspired Indigenous peoples across the nation to strive for a better life.

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