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A stock photo of a laptop on a neat desk  browsing MuckRock's FOIA Log Explorer

Search across almost 170,000 requests via MuckRock’s expanded FOIA Log Explorer

Over the last few weeks, we have been hard at work on a range of improvements to MuckRock and DocumentCloud, but FOIA fans have something special to celebrate: We’ve imported many of the requests from FOIAonline into a searchable database which allows you to filter, browse and even re-request almost 170,000 requests with just a few clicks.

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Automate your beat: Unredact documents, monitor websites and much more with DocumentCloud

Automate your beat: Unredact documents, monitor websites and much more with DocumentCloud

Ever had a spreadsheet-turned-PDF you’re stuck untangling? Wish story ideas came right to you? Over the past two years, MuckRock’s DocumentCloud tool has built several ways to automate common journalism and research tasks, taking once-cumbersome processes and breaking them down to just a few clicks.

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Unlocking global access: Meet the Gateway Grantees strengthening democracy through the power of documents

Unlocking global access: Meet the Gateway Grantees strengthening democracy through the power of documents

Today, the MuckRock Foundation is announcing five new recipients of Gateway Grants, which include a mix of financial, technical and editorial support for projects that support and strengthen transparency and access around the world.

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Try a new way to keep tabs on local government with Agenda Watch

Try a new way to keep tabs on local government with Agenda Watch

Your MuckRock account now lets you do even more thanks to the launch of Big Local News’ Agenda Watch, which helps you monitor and explore public meetings data around the country.

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Release Notes: Planned downtime Saturday

Release Notes: Planned downtime Saturday

This coming Saturday, April 15, 2023, MuckRock services — including MuckRock itself, DocumentCloud, and our MuckRock Accounts service — will be inaccessible from 1-3 p.m. Eastern while we upgrade our database system.

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