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What you missed from our FOIA Slack Chat with Jeff Kelly Lowenstein

What you missed from our FOIA Slack Chat with Jeff Kelly Lowenstein

Last week on Slack, we chatted with Jeff Kelly Lowenstein, one of the reporters whose work led to the release of over 11 million records related to lottery winners. Here’s what he had to share on managing national projects, and making the leap to to global reporting.

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What you missed from our FOIA Slack Chat with Jessica Huseman

What you missed from our FOIA Slack Chat with Jessica Huseman

Jessica Huseman of ProPublica joined us last Friday for our Friday FOIA chat on MuckRock’s Slack channel. Here’s a few tips she’s gleaned from massive investigations built off of public records requests filed all over the country.

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What you missed from our FOIA Slack Chat with Kendall Taggart

What you missed from our FOIA Slack Chat with Kendall Taggart

Investigative data reporter for Buzzfeed Kendall Taggart joined us for MuckRock’s Friday FOIA Chat last Friday on Slack to talk about where to find data - and more importantly, what to do with it.

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What you missed from our FOIA Slack Chat with Ally Jarmanning

What you missed from our FOIA Slack Chat with Ally Jarmanning

WBUR’s digital content and data producer, Ally Jarmanning, joined us last Friday at MuckRock’s Slack Channel to discuss her latest efforts to create an open Google Doc where journalists and experts in the court system can recommend resources and tips to each other.

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What you missed from our FOIA Slack Chat with Abraham Payton

What you missed from our FOIA Slack Chat with Abraham Payton

Opposition researcher Abraham Payton joined us last Friday to discuss how his company, Due Diligence, uses FOIA to investigate public figures.

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