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MuckRock Release Notes: Show off crowdsourced submissions, experimental private crowdsourcing, and more Assignments upgrades

MuckRock Release Notes: Show off crowdsourced submissions, experimental private crowdsourcing, and more Assignments upgrades

Last week, we had a number of smaller bug fixes plus a bunch of improvements and new features for the Assignments tool. Read all about them and find ways to contribute code, design, and other skills to help make MuckRock even better.

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115 people helped sort through Donald Rumsfeld’s memos. Here’s what they found.

115 people helped sort through Donald Rumsfeld’s memos. Here’s what they found.

Our contest to crowdsource #RummysSnowflakes is officially over, so now it’s a time to congratulate the winners and see the results!

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#FOIAFriday inspiration plus week one winners of #RummysSnowflakes

#FOIAFriday inspiration plus week one winners of #RummysSnowflakes

This week, see how FOIA has helped open a secretive EPA, what you helped uncover in Rumsfeld’s memos, and which agencies made the worst of the worst - plus how you can win free MuckRock requests and swag!

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Help analyze Donald Rumsfeld’s memos and win MuckRock requests and swag

Help analyze Donald Rumsfeld’s memos and win MuckRock requests and swag

In January, thanks to a five-year fight by the National Security Archive, the Pentagon began releasing massive troves of Donald Rumsfeld’s memos, so copious that they developed their own legendary status within the Armed Forces. Now you can explore the early days of the War on Terror - and potentially earn free MuckRock requests and even swag - by helping analyze the release.

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