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This Week’s FOIA Round-Up: Trump’s pre-inauguration military briefings revealed, the Supreme Court hears a key FOIA case, and records reveal Baltimore PD has destroyed far more rape kits than reported

This Week’s FOIA Round-Up: Trump’s pre-inauguration military briefings revealed, the Supreme Court hears a key FOIA case, and records reveal Baltimore PD has destroyed far more rape kits than reported

In this week’s FOIA roundup, a records request reveals what then-President-elect Donald Trump was briefed on by military officials in 2016, a South Dakota newspaper battles supermarket industry lobbyists at the Supreme Court over federal food stamps data, and new documents expose Baltimore County Police Department underreported the number of rape kits they destroyed by hundreds.

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States have different policies on how they approach domestic violence - and many don't have any policies at all

States have different policies on how they approach domestic violence - and many don’t have any policies at all

A request for domestic violence response policies for state police departments in all 50 states found 28 states willing to release the policies free of charge, or for a small fee. Twelve states reported having no such policy. Four - Hawaii, Kansas, New Hampshire, and South Dakota - rejected the request, arguing that granting it would compromise security, reveal confidential law enforcement techniques, or disrupt the operation of government.

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Counterinsurgency on the Reservation: A return to Standing Rock Part 2

Counterinsurgency on the Reservation: A return to Standing Rock Part 2

Thanks to a generous grant from the Fund for Investigative Journalism, Curtis Waltman was able to return to the Dakotas as part of his ongoing project on the impact of police militarization. Here’s a short travelogue of what he heard, saw, and did.

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Counterinsurgency on the Reservation: A return to Standing Rock Part 1

Counterinsurgency on the Reservation: A return to Standing Rock Part 1

Thanks to a generous grant from the Fund for Investigative Journalism, Curtis Waltman was able to return to the Dakotas as part of his ongoing project on the impact of police militarization. Here’s a short travelogue of what he heard, saw, and did.

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MuckRock’s Curtis Waltman is returning to Standing Rock

MuckRock’s Curtis Waltman is returning to Standing Rock

This Sunday, I will board a plane and fly to Bismarck, North Dakota once again. I am asking readers of MuckRock to contribute either their own voices to my research, or to connect me with folks in either of the Dakotas that may be willing to speak with me - particularly people who live either on Reservations or are connected to the Indigenous communities that protested for their water source and their continued survival.

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