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The moon is a sensitive topic at the CIA

The moon is a sensitive topic at the CIA

The Central Intelligence Agency kept a 1961 translation of the “Atlas of the Far Side of the Moon” marked as “For Official Use Only” in its archives for just shy of 50 years.

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This week at the CIA: Director Roscoe Hillenkoetter congratulates James Webb on his State Department appointment

This week at the CIA: Director Roscoe Hillenkoetter congratulates James Webb on his State Department appointment

Memos show James Webb, who led the National Aeronautics and Space Administration for much of the ‘60s, regularly checked in with the Central Intelligence Agency as part of his roles at the State Department and NASA.

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The Air Force is "as serious as a heart attack" about opposing the Space Corps

The Air Force is “as serious as a heart attack” about opposing the Space Corps

While President Donald Trump’s announcement earlier this year regarding the possible establishment of a “Space Force,” FOIA shows that not everyone in his own administration is so keen on the idea. In a series of recently released emails from last year, Secretary of the Air Force Heather Wilson made clear her opposition to the establishment of a semi-autonomous “Space Corps,” insisting that it be the USAF in charge of militarizing the cosmos.

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Browse through a recent shipment sent to the International Space Station

Browse through a recent shipment sent to the International Space Station

Last November, Orbital ATK sent a 7,400 pound shipment of supplies up to the International Space Station. For the crew, it meant fresh clothes, new food, and new tools to continue on their research. After a FOIA request, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration provided an inventory of everything that went up, which provides a fun look into mix of high tech and mundane that keeps the astronauts going.

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After the "octopus incident," the White House threatened veto power over future spy satellite logos ...

After the “octopus incident,” the White House threatened veto power over future spy satellite logos …

Records released to William Pierce show that the fallout from the National Reconnaissance Office’s infamous “world-eating octopus” logo was enough for the White House to threaten veto power over future logos on spy satellites. Despite this warning to steer clear of controversy, the designers for the NROL-76 logo tried their best to sneak in a “Talladega Nights” reference - even resorting to Latin to get around copyright.

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Records: Sea Launch

T. McElwee sent this request to the Coast Guard of the United States of America