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special counsel's office

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Readers made 800 submissions to our crowdsourcing project to cull links from the redacted Mueller Report - read them here and help us find more

Readers made 800 submissions to our crowdsourcing project to cull links from the redacted Mueller Report - read them here and help us find more

Last week, in partnership with the Internet Archive’s Wayback Machine, we put out a call to help find and preserve as much as the online primary source material in the Mueller Report as we could. Hundreds of people helped, and now we’ve updated a version of the Mueller Report to over a hundred of the original sources, right on the page.

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Archive the Evidence: Help Wayback Machine and MuckRock preserve the links from the redacted Mueller Report

Archive the Evidence: Help Wayback Machine and MuckRock preserve the links from the redacted Mueller Report

Help the Internet Archive’s Wayback Machine and MuckRock build up an annotated version of the redacted Mueller Report, including URLs to all the publicly referenced government documents, news accounts, and other reference materials.

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Here's what you've found in the Mueller Report so far

Here’s what you’ve found in the Mueller Report so far

Yesterday, we loaded a redacted version of the Mueller Report into our crowdsourcing tool and asked for your help in finding what is - and isn’t - in the release. The response was overwhelming, with hundreds of submissions from just the past 24 hours. We wanted to highlight a few of the finds so far, and we’ll have a more in-depth analysis next week.

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Help give a first read through the Mueller Report

Help give a first read through the Mueller Report

The first public release of the Mueller report is now live, and we want your help going through it to find the most interesting pages, references to other documents to request, and help us breakdown how much of it was redacted under various exemptions.

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Add your name to our FOIA request for the full Mueller Report

Add your name to our FOIA request for the full Mueller Report

Earlier this week, we took a look at what you likely could (and couldn’t) get of the Special Counsel’s Report through FOIA. A number of readers were interested in filing their own requests for materials, or in getting updates as these requests were fulfilled. So we’ve made it easy for anyone to file, signing on to a group FOIA for a copy of the Mueller Report as well as other materials we thought would be worth getting into the public domain

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