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spy in your pocket

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U.S. Marshals Service conceals key details of millions spent on StingRays

U.S. Marshals Service conceals key details of millions spent on StingRays

While the agency doesn’t appear to be under an NDA, the USMS has withheld a wide range of basic information under an exemption meant to protect law enforcement techniques. However, much of the redacted data is already available online via a federal accounting website.

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The Spy in Your Pocket Project Is Ready to Get Started

The Spy in Your Pocket Project Is Ready to Get Started

MuckRock is thrilled to dive into “The Spy in Your Pocket” – your overwhelming support allowed us to beat our initial funding goal, and we’re now poised to investigate cell phone surveillance across the country!

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UPDATED: Stretch Goals Added To Beacon Reader Project

UPDATED: Stretch Goals Added To Beacon Reader Project

Update: You may have heard that the Supreme Court unanimously ruled yesterday that cell phones of arrested suspects can’t be searched without a warrant. We’re still working through the ruling, but it makes this project more timely than ever.

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Help FOIA how police across the country are tracking cell phones

Help FOIA how police across the country are tracking cell phones

It’s clear that local police use advanced cell phone tracking — finding out where you are, who you are with, who you’re talking to — a lot more than we know. Now, with a crowdsourced project to file targeted records requests across America, you can help fix that, in as little as 30 seconds.

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