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The FBI feared that "Seven Days in May" was bad for America

The FBI feared that “Seven Days in May” was bad for America

A memo uncovered in Ronald Reagan’s Federal Bureau of Investigation file reveals the FBI’s concerns that the 1964 film “Seven Days in May,” which depicted an aborted military coup of the U.S. government, would be used as Communist propaganda - and was therefore “harmful to our Armed Forces and Nation.”

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The FBI once tried to sabotage the Nation of Islam with a zine

The FBI once tried to sabotage the Nation of Islam with a zine

Throughout the ’60s, the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s infamous COINTELPRO operations targeted what it called “Black Nationalist Hate Groups,” for surveillance, infiltration, and ultimately, disruption. It was to that end in March 1968 that FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover sent a memo to the New York field office, authorizing the use of the Bureau’s secret weapon against the Nation of Islam: the zine.

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FBI's campaign to discredit HUAC protests as Communist agitation faced internal pressures

FBI’s campaign to discredit HUAC protests as Communist agitation faced internal pressures

With nationwide protests calling for the abolishment of Immigration and Customs Enforcement and countercharges alleging that such movements are the work of sinister foreign agents intent on sowing discord, it’s worth revisiting a similar period in American history when the Federal Bureau of Investigation framed opposition to House Un-American Activities Committee as Communist agitation - and faced pushback even within its own ranks.

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Even to FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover, Muhammad Ali was "untouchable"

Even to FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover, Muhammad Ali was “untouchable”

An incident from Muhammad Ali’s Federal Bureau of Investigation file shows that no less than Director J. Edgar Hoover himself doubted the Bureau’s ability to get charges against Ali to stick.

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