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Super Bowl LIII FCC complaints are mostly people mad about Adam Levine's nipples

Super Bowl LIII FCC complaints are mostly people mad about Adam Levine’s nipples

Federal Communications Commission complaints about the Super Bowl are an annual tradition here at MuckRock, and after a string of rather lackluster offerings in recent years, we’re happy to report that the latest batch shows the country is back in fine moral outrage form.

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Light sampling of Super Bowl XLII FCC complaints show people mostly outraged by outages, ticked off by Justin Timberlake

Light sampling of Super Bowl XLII FCC complaints show people mostly outraged by outages, ticked off by Justin Timberlake

A baker’s dozen of Federal Communications Commission complaints related to Super Bowl XLII recently released under FOIA show viewers were mostly annoyed by what they didn’t see, expressing frustration over spotty coverage and a notable lack of Janet Jackson.

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"Obscene reprehensible spectacle" Super Bowl 50 FCC Complaints

“Obscene reprehensible spectacle” Super Bowl 50 FCC Complaints

The FCC has released 45 complaints it received regarding Super Bowl 50, mostly concerning the half-time show. And if you’ve seen the Saturday Night Live sketch “The Day Beyoncé Turned Black,” you already have a pretty good idea of where this is going.

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"Has America lost all sence (sic) of decency?" Superbowl XLIX FCC complaints

“Has America lost all sence (sic) of decency?” Superbowl XLIX FCC complaints

The NFL this season provided plenty of fodder for big conversations about lots of things that weren’t football. But just because the league’s legendary halftime show wasn’t the most scandalous thing in professional football this year doesn’t mean that it didn’t still scandalize.

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"A pagan Luciferian ritual" Super Bowl XLVI FCC complaints

“A pagan Luciferian ritual” Super Bowl XLVI FCC complaints

While M.I.A. may yet face a steep fine for extending her middle-finger during last month’s Super Bowl half-time show, written complaints fielded by the Federal Communications Commission about the performance numbered fewer than 200.

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