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Were you or a family member affected by radioactive fallout and nuclear waste from the Manhattan Project or Cold War? We want to hear your story.

Were you or a family member affected by radioactive fallout and nuclear waste from the Manhattan Project or Cold War? We want to hear your story.

The future of a proposed expansion of the Radiation Exposure Compensation Act Program is uncertain after being stripped from a federal defense bill during negotiations.

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Biden supports expanding compensation to radiation victims in Missouri, New Mexico

Biden supports expanding compensation to radiation victims in Missouri, New Mexico

The St. Louis region has struggled for decades with contamination left over from the effort to develop the atomic bomb in the 1940s.

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Energy secretary stops short of endorsing atomic waste victims fund in Missouri visit

Energy secretary stops short of endorsing atomic waste victims fund in Missouri visit

U.S. Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm visited a contaminated site in St. Charles County, saying: “There is no doubt that we have to clean up these sites and there’s no doubt that the testing and remediation is ongoing now…We’ve got to make sure that people feel safe.”

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U.S. Senate votes to expand coverage for atomic bomb-related illness to St. Louis

U.S. Senate votes to expand coverage for atomic bomb-related illness to St. Louis

Private companies and the federal government for decades failed to take actions to protect St. Louis residents from nuclear waste, an investigation by The Missouri Independent, MuckRock and The Associated Press finds.

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Read the thousands of documents journalists used to investigate St. Louis radioactive waste

Read the thousands of documents journalists used to investigate St. Louis radioactive waste

MuckRock and The Missouri Independent are making all of the government documents it obtained as part of its “Atomic Fallout” investigation into the St. Louis region’s 75-year history with nuclear waste public and searchable.

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