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Recovering over a billion in unpaid taxes in 2018, IRS Whistleblower’s Office operates on a budget of just over $6 million

Recovering over a billion in unpaid taxes in 2018, IRS Whistleblower’s Office operates on a budget of just over $6 million

In 2016, the Internal Revenue Service reported that unpaid taxes cost the federal government over $400 billion a year. According to documents recently released through FOIA, that same year, the IRS Whistleblower’s Office, which offers compensation to individuals who report on tax evasion, had a budget just over $6 million.

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This week’s round-up: Trump offers tours to golfing buddies, lawsuit reveals tax assessor taking shortcuts, a weird public records story in California gets even weirder

This week’s round-up: Trump offers tours to golfing buddies, lawsuit reveals tax assessor taking shortcuts, a weird public records story in California gets even weirder

For this week’s FOIA round-up, public records help confirm a story about President Donald Trump bringing members of his golf club on Air Force One, a lawsuit shows tax assessor pulling property values from Zillow, and a California city takes a stand against one reporter’s dogged crusade to keep city records secret.

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Treasury produces one page memo to justify claim that Trump tax cut will generate $1.8 trillion in revenue

Treasury produces one page memo to justify claim that Trump tax cut will generate $1.8 trillion in revenue

Back in December, in response to reporting of Treasury claims that the proposed Trump tax cuts would generate $1.8 trillion in revenue, we requested the reporting and analysis that led to that conclusion. In response, the Treasury produced a single-page memo, which appeared to be the exact same document referenced in the article included in our request.

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