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This week’s FOIA round-up: CIA secrecy around torture suspect’s body, journalists create a police use of force database in New Jersey, and the University of Arizona spends $1.4 million on legal fees

This week’s FOIA round-up: CIA secrecy around torture suspect’s body, journalists create a police use of force database in New Jersey, and the University of Arizona spends $1.4 million on legal fees

For this week’s FOIA round-up, the Central Intelligence Agency won’t tell the family of a tortured suspect where his body is, journalists file over 500 public records request to track police use of force in New Jersey, and the University of Arizona spends big money on NCAA corruption investigations.

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This week’s FOIA round-up: Florida midterm recounts spark lawsuits, insanity pleas and recidivism in Oregon, and the CIA considered "truth serum" as a substitute for torture

This week’s FOIA round-up: Florida midterm recounts spark lawsuits, insanity pleas and recidivism in Oregon, and the CIA considered “truth serum” as a substitute for torture

In this week’s FOIA round-up, lawsuits mount across the Sunshine State amid recounts of three statewide races, and records reveal the Central Intelligence Agency considered subbing torture for “truth serum” interrogations after 9/11. What’s more, Oregon’s Psychiatric Security Review Board claims low recidivism among those acquitted of crimes based on insanity claims, despite internal emails about a study that reveals the opposite.

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The CIA gave Congress a report on the JFK assassination that was edited to remove human rights violations - and mention of JFK

The CIA gave Congress a report on the JFK assassination that was edited to remove human rights violations - and mention of JFK

As a result of the JFK Assassination Records Collection Act, the Central Intelligence Agency ostensibly produced a copy of the Hart Report, more famously known as the “Monster Plot,” which was intended to be a definitive account of the Yuri Nosenko affair and a takedown of disgraced spymaster James Angleton. What the CIA actually released, however, resembles Hart’s actual report as much as the television edit of The Big Lebowski resembles the actual dialogue.

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Brazil’s military dictatorship leaves a paper trail in the CIA archives

Brazil’s military dictatorship leaves a paper trail in the CIA archives

While Brazilian presidential front-runner Jair Bolsonaro’s overt embrace of authoritarianism may seem aberrant to many foreign observers, it differs only in degree from decades of United States influence in Latin America. Declassified Central Intelligence Agency and State Department records from the midst of the Brazilian military dictatorship reveal an official US policy of support for the very brutality Bolsonaro intends to revive.

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‘50s CIA report critical of Soviet police techniques has eerie parallels to the modern American criminal justice system

‘50s CIA report critical of Soviet police techniques has eerie parallels to the modern American criminal justice system

In the midst of the Cold War, the Central Intelligence Agency routinely collected information about the methods of control employed by the Soviet Union to capture, incarcerate, and punish those opposed to the state. While the CIA used this information to denounce the USSR in reports such as this one available in the CREST archives, a modern reader will note how several of the criticized policies resemble those of the criminal justice system in modern day America.

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