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FOIAing the Trump Administration: defending against the charge of ‘fake news’

FOIAing the Trump Administration: defending against the charge of ‘fake news’

President Trump famously and frequently attempts to undermine trust in reporting on his administration with accusations of “fake news.” It’s a practice that has trickled down through his agencies, with cabinet members and public affairs officials attempting to portray unfavorable stories as fake or biased. The solution? File more FOIA requests!

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FOIAing the Trump administration: local ICE impacts and ongoing industry ties

FOIAing the Trump administration: local ICE impacts and ongoing industry ties

The best records requests are specific, so if you want to know how the Trump administration’s aggressive immigration enforcement tactics are impacting your area, why not ask your local institutions?

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FOIAing the Trump administration: tracking travel, investigations, and whether Trump’s cabinet thinks he’s a ‘moron.’

FOIAing the Trump administration: tracking travel, investigations, and whether Trump’s cabinet thinks he’s a ‘moron.’

Starting today, every Tuesday we’ll be putting together a weekly roundup of how FOIA is contributing to oversight of the Trump administration.

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Using FOIA to dig into shady parking lot deals  and secretive sports teams

Using FOIA to dig into shady parking lot deals and secretive sports teams

You don’t have to be a journalist to use FOIA - in fact, some of the best requests I’ve seen have come from former or current government employees. In this week’s roundup, a few requests from public officials that have potential to show wrongdoing as well as other examples of using public records for impact.

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