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Secret Scandals of the Trump Administration

Exploring and exposing the Trump Administration’s lesser known, but no less damaging policies.

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FOIA 101: FOIA fodder in the presidential transition

FOIA 101: FOIA fodder in the presidential transition

We’ve broken down some highlights of the legal presidential transition process and where you can look for your next bit of #FOInspiration.

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This Week’s FOIA Round-up: FOIA in the impeachment report, MA robot police dogs, and your neighbor’s Ring might let the police spy on you

This Week’s FOIA Round-up: FOIA in the impeachment report, MA robot police dogs, and your neighbor’s Ring might let the police spy on you

This week’s FOIA drama from the Trump administration and technology

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EPA is latest agency to stop accepting FOIA requests via email

EPA is latest agency to stop accepting FOIA requests via email

Under the Environmental Protection Agency’s new FOIA regulations which were implemented back in July, the EPA is no longer accepting request submissions via email, joining the Federal Bureau of Investigation in requiring requests be made through an online portal or snail mail.

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Emails show internal confusion over Interior’s "Secretary’s Shotgun Showdown"

Emails show internal confusion over Interior’s “Secretary’s Shotgun Showdown”

In 2017, the Department of the Interior announced a new initiative to “reemphasize hunting and fishing” at the DOI: “Secretary’s Shotgun Showdown,” a video game tournament in which employees would take on then-Secretary Ryan Zinke in a game of “Big Buck Hunter Pro” for the chance to win “bragging rights” and a “Beverage on the Balcony.” Just days before the game was dropped off, key details had yet to be finalized.

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This week’s FOIA round-up: Alaskans sue Interior for oil drilling information, data shows federal aid favors the wealthiest farmers, and Los Angeles pension trustees spend big on international getaway

This week’s FOIA round-up: Alaskans sue Interior for oil drilling information, data shows federal aid favors the wealthiest farmers, and Los Angeles pension trustees spend big on international getaway

In this week’s FOIA round-up, Alaska natives sued the Trump Administration for concealing information regarding oil drilling, an environmental advocacy group shows that the bulk of U.S. farm aid goes to wealthy farmers, and members of the Los Angeles County Employees Retirement draw public scrutiny after going on pricey international vacations.

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