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Requests help bring transparency to travel woes, public data wants to be free, and other transparency news

Requests help bring transparency to travel woes, public data wants to be free, and other transparency news

We were not the only ones Santa dropped off TSA-related security with: A request from Charlie Savage shows complaints about the Department of Homeland Security’s border searches. Plus digging into data shows just how ubiquitous “drug-free school zones” can be.

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As TSA ramped up pat downs, complaints mounted

As TSA ramped up pat downs, complaints mounted

Just in time for holiday travel, recently released Transportation Security Administration complaints show that if you are worried about invasive security, at least you’re not alone.

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FOIA FAQ: Dealing with "Still Interested" letters

FOIA FAQ: Dealing with “Still Interested” letters

Few things can be more galling for a FOIA requester than to patiently wait on a request for years, only to be told by an agency that if they don’t respond quickly and let the agency know they’re still interested, their request will be closed out. Here’s advice on how to handle these dubiously-legal practices.

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Customs and Border Patrol can seize your smut

Customs and Border Patrol can seize your smut

If you happen to find yourself crossing the US border with porn, self-made or otherwise, just know that US Customs and Border Protection is legally required to confiscate your naughty media.

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Returning from abroad? Homeland Security can download the entire contents of your computer

Returning from abroad? Homeland Security can download the entire contents of your computer

Hundreds of thousands of travelers cross US borders every day. And none of them — save the precious few with diplomatic immunity — have any right to privacy, according to Department of Homeland Security documents recently obtained by MuckRock.

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