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California AG demands journalists to destroy information obtained through public records - or else

California AG demands journalists to destroy information obtained through public records - or else

California’s top law official is threatening legal action against a pair of journalist who obtained a list of police officers convicted of crimes within the last decade.

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While escaping from prison, Timothy Leary took time to troll Ronald Reagan

While escaping from prison, Timothy Leary took time to troll Ronald Reagan

While Timothy Leary’s 1970 escape from a minimum security prison in California with the aid of The Weathermen is the stuff of countercultural legend, recently released Federal Bureau of Investigation files reveal a lesser-known detail of the incident: Leary’s ruthless trolling of then Governor Ronald Reagan.

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The FBI once grilled the “father of energy efficiency” over a note left on a table mat

The FBI once grilled the “father of energy efficiency” over a note left on a table mat

Though Arthur H. Rosenfeld would later rise to prominence as the “father of energy efficiency” for his role in creating new global standards for sustainable energy use in the ‘70s, the physicist’s FBI file is focused on a younger Rosenfeld being a high-profile target for Soviet spies. In addition to his coveted “Q” clearance guaranteeing a stash of nuclear secrets, Rosenfeld’s criticism of what he felt was extremism in defense of liberty - including an impassioned political debate that took place entirely on the margins of a table mat - had the Bureau wondering the extent to which Rosenfeld could be trusted at academic conferences held behind the Iron Curtain.

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Introducing MuckRock’s Student Journalist FOIA Grantees

Introducing MuckRock’s Student Journalist FOIA Grantees

In August, we announced a new initiative to support up and coming FOIA fighters who want to help better understand and report on government. Today we’re pleased to announce the college participants in the inaugural MuckRock’s Student Journalist FOIA Grants.

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Homeland Security appears to prioritize cracking down on Antifa over Fascists

Homeland Security appears to prioritize cracking down on Antifa over Fascists

Based on a release from Homeland Security’s Northern California Regional Intelligence Center, law enforcement appear to prioritize cracking down on Antifa, rather than white supremacists or other Fascist groups.

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