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CIA file confirms the White House’s role in “The Adlai Stevenson Affair”

CIA file confirms the White House’s role in “The Adlai Stevenson Affair”

The details of the negotiations and planning surrounding the Cuban Missile Crisis have long been the subject of some contention for historians, with some of the most influential and enduring accounts contradicting what the tapes of those planning sessions tell us. Almost immediately after the Cuban Missile Crisis resolved, rumors began floating around Washington D.C. that the narrative that emerged was the handiwork of President John Fitzgerald Kennedy in an effort to force the resignation of Adlai Stevenson, Kennedy’s Ambassador to the United Nations. A Central Intelligence Agency chronology, originally classified SECRET and recently released to MuckRock, confirms that the architect of this historical revisionism was, in fact, Kennedy - and reveals that denials of this were based on nothing more than word games.

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Shirley, the lady on a lifelong first-name basis with the FBI

Shirley, the lady on a lifelong first-name basis with the FBI

Among the many fans the child star earned as the Curly Top cutie was one of the most notoriously tough G-Men in the whole law enforcement apparatus: Federal Bureau of Investigation Director J. Edgar Hoover, himself.

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CIA wants records requesters to print out and mail obituaries of famous people

CIA wants records requesters to print out and mail obituaries of famous people

Former Secretary-General of the United Nations Boutros Boutros-Ghali died earlier this year at the age of 93. Nobody seems to have told the CIA.

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