12453 Tags
uss liberty
1 Project
June 8, 1967 Israeli Attack on the USS Liberty
1 Article

The CIA’s six most dangerous FOIA topics
In a 1978 memo urging the curbing of the newly-empowered Freedom of Information Act, the CIA compiled a list of six FOIA request topics considered to be the most potentially dangerous to the Agency’s reputation.
39 Requests
Awaiting Response
"All the [USS Liberty] material" in CIA Files
Joe Meadors sent this request to the Central Intelligence Agency of the United States of America
Appendix "C" of the US Navy Court of Inquiry Report into USS Liberty Attack
Joe Meadors sent this request to the National Archives and Records Administration of the United States of America
No Responsive Documents
Audio Tapes Recorded by USS Liberty Personnel That Were Delivered to the NSA
Joe Meadors sent this request to the National Security Agency of the United States of America
No Responsive Documents
Bronze Star Award for RADM Paul Tobin, USN (ret)
Joe Meadors sent this request to the Department of Defense, Office of the Secretary of Defense of the United States of America
Congressional Legislative and Investigation Activity Re: Post WWII Attacks on US Navy Ships
Joe Meadors sent this request to the National Archives and Records Administration of the United States of America