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Strategies and resources for using public records to understand COVID-19

Strategies and resources for using public records to understand COVID-19

On June 26, we held our first COVID Public Info training, giving journalists, researchers, and everyone else tips, tricks, and templates for using transparency laws to dig into public records. We covered ground like how to adjust your approach as governments still operate at reduced capacity, as well as called out some specific stories that used transparency to dig into key issues.

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MuckRock Release Notes: Making it easier than ever to file

MuckRock Release Notes: Making it easier than ever to file

For the past few months, we’ve talked with dozens of users to try and find a way to make MuckRock even easier for people who want to help open up government, whether they’re filing a single request or hundreds. We’re excited to finally show you the results.

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Watch the video that sparked a CIA debate over psychic phenomenon

Watch the video that sparked a CIA debate over psychic phenomenon

A video produced by Stanford as part of its government funded research into psychic phenomena alleged to show Uri Geller performing various psychic and extrasensory feats. While some in the Agency were “humbled” by the film, others were quick to declare it ordinary trickery from a con artist using techniques from stage magic and mentalist.

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Watch an outtake from Lake County Sheriff's Office's infamous heroin video

Watch an outtake from Lake County Sheriff’s Office’s infamous heroin video

Shortly after a video started making the rounds of a Sheriff Peyton Grinnel from Florida’s Lake County swearing vengeance upon drug dealers while flanked by mask-clad deputies, Tony Webster filed a request for the unedited footage. That was released this week, and between a couple mic checks and the final cut, there’s a pretty amazing b-roll.

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