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walter scott

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Emails show North Charleston Police kept close eye on Walter Scott protestors ...

Emails show North Charleston Police kept close eye on Walter Scott protestors …

Emails released by the North Charleston Police Department show that after the fatal shooting of Walter Scott in 2015 by former NCPD officer Michael Slager, the department closely monitored the social media accounts of activists, in addition to compiling information - including court histories - regarding Scott’s family.

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North Charleston Police releases over 800 pages of civilian complaints

North Charleston Police releases over 800 pages of civilian complaints

The retrial of Michael Slager, the former North Charleston police officer who gunned down 50-year-old Walter Scott as he was running away and planted a taser on his body, was recently pushed back to August, but records released by his former department reveal a brutal and dysfunctional culture among the officers.

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North Charleston Police Department stonewalling records requests for use of force incidents

North Charleston Police Department stonewalling records requests for use of force incidents

For months, the North Charleston Police Department - whose tumultuous history is underscored by the declaration of a mistrial in the case of former officer Michael Slager - has been stonewalling records requests for data about civilian complaints and use of force incidents, requiring a $1,500 deposit before it will begin a search.

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