Intelliboard model docs

Todd Feathers filed this request with the Southern University of Louisiana.


From: Todd Feathers

To Whom It May Concern:

Pursuant to the Louisiana Public Records Law, I hereby request the following records:

1) Copies of the college's current contract and statement of work with Intelliboard.

2) All policies, handbooks, user manuals, and instructions provided to the college's faculty regarding the proper use of Intelliboard. This should include any instructions or guidance given to staff on how to interpret or use Intelliboard's predictive learning analytics models.

3) The following records for each of the predictive learning analytics (PLA) models currently saved in the college's Intelliboard system:

a) The SQL code for the model, provided in .sql or similar format.
b) The validation report for the model (showing true positive, true negative, sensitivity, etc.)
c) Documentation of the model's input features and output calculation (i.e., which data points are fed into the model, and what prediction is the model making).

4) The data dictionary for the college's Intelliboard system. A data dictionary (sometimes called a data library) lists the various data fields included in a system and defines them.

All of this information is accessible and can be downloaded (or if necessary, captured through screenshots) from the college's Intelliboard system. For further explanation of where to find this information within Inteliiboard, see the company's demonstration video:

Please note that I am not requesting any student data, but rather records describing the Intelliboard models used by the college. Intelliboard's models are neither proprietary nor confidential. The company states that its predictions are generated using packages from the open source Pytorch and scikit-learn libraries.

I ask that all fees be waived as I am a journalist and intend to use the requested records to publish articles in the public interest about the operations of a government agency. In the event you choose to impose fees, I request a detailed breakdown of the fees, including the hourly wage of each employee involved and an explanation of the employee hours required to fulfill the request.

Should you choose to reject this request or redact portions of responsive documents, I ask that you provide a detailed breakdown of the statutory exemptions and associated case law underlying your decision to withhold each/any portions from public review.

The requested documents will be made available to the general public, and this request is not being made for commercial purposes.

In the event that there are fees, I would be grateful if you would inform me of the total charges in advance of fulfilling my request. I would prefer the request filled electronically, by e-mail attachment if available or CD-ROM if not.

Thank you in advance for your anticipated cooperation in this matter. I look forward to receiving your response to this request within 3 business days, as the statute requires.


Todd Feathers

From: Southern University

We are in receipt of your request. Please allow up to 14 business days for a full response.


J. Tate


Janene Tate, Communications Director<>

Southern University System<>/Southern University and A&M College

Office of External Affairs and University Relations
8111 G. Leon Netterville Drive

J.S. Clark Administration Bldg., First Floor
P.O. Box 9254

Baton Rouge, LA 70813

Main: 225-771-3322 | Direct: 225-771-3216 | Mobile: 225-200-7496


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From: Southern University

Please see attached for records responsive to your request. Apologies for the delay. Thank you for your patience.


J. Tate


Janene Tate, Communications Director<>

Southern University System<>/Southern University and A&M College

Office of External Affairs and University Relations
8111 G. Leon Netterville Drive

J.S. Clark Administration Bldg., First Floor
P.O. Box 9254

Baton Rouge, LA 70813

Main: 225-771-3322 | Direct: 225-771-3216 | Mobile: 225-200-7496


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