King County Directors' Association (KCDA) - Request copy of public records request recieved on or about August 4, 2022

Legal Flying Monkey filed this request with the King County Directors' Association of King County, WA.


From: Legal Flying Monkey

To Whom It May Concern:

Pursuant to the Washington Public Records Act, I hereby request the following records:

I request a complete copy of any/all public records requests received by King County Directors' Association (KCDA) - on or about August 4, 2022.

Please provide a copy of all responsive documents in Acrobat .PDF format.

The requested documents will be made available to the general public, and this request is not being made for commercial purposes.

In the event that there are fees, I would be grateful if you would inform me of the total charges in advance of fulfilling my request. I would prefer the request filled electronically, by e-mail attachment if available or CD-ROM if not.

Thank you in advance for your anticipated cooperation in this matter. I look forward to receiving your response to this request within 5 business days, as the statute requires.

Thank you.

From: King County Directors' Association

The purpose of this email is to acknowledge receipt of your Public Records Act request to King County Directors Association dated September 23, 2022, pursuant to RCW 42.56.520. KCDA estimates that all records responsive to your request will be made available to you no later than October 10, 2022. Pursuant to RCW 42.56.520, this time may be needed in order to locate and assemble documents responsive to your request; to notify third persons affected by the request; and to determine whether any of the information requested is exempt from public disclosure.

Kristen Deskin, SHRM-SCP
HR Manager and Public Records Officer

From: Legal Flying Monkey

TO: Dave Mahalko - Executive Director King County Directors' Association
RE: 09-23-22 Public Records Act request - KCDA Agency response required RCW 42.56.520
Via email:

Mr. Mahalko,

On 09-23-22 we filed a public records act request with your Washington State Agency, King County Directors' Association.

As you are aware, by statute RCW 42.56.520, KCDA is REQUIRED to respond to public records requests within 5 business days.

Five (5) business days have elapsed and we have received no response from your agency, KCDA.

A copy of the original public records act request is as follows:


Date: Fri, 23 Sep 2022 07:44:29 -000

Subject: Washington Public Records Act Request: King County Directors' Association (KCDA) - Request copy of public records request recieved on or about August 4, 2022

To Whom It May Concern:

Pursuant to the Washington Public Records Act, I hereby request the following records:

I request a complete copy of any/all public records requests received by King County Directors' Association (KCDA) - on or about August 4, 2022.

Please provide a copy of all responsive documents in Acrobat .PDF format.

The requested documents will be made available to the general public, and this request is not being made for commercial purposes.

In the event that there are fees, I would be grateful if you would inform me of the total charges in advance of fulfilling my request. I would prefer the request filled electronically, by e-mail attachment if available or CD-ROM if not.

Thank you in advance for your anticipated cooperation in this matter. I look forward to receiving your response to this request within 5 business days, as the statute requires.

Thank you."

A copy of Washington State Statute RCW 42.56.520:

"RCW 42.56.520 - Prompt responses required.
(1) Responses to requests for public records shall be made promptly by agencies, the office of the secretary of the senate, and the office of the chief clerk of the house of representatives. Within five business days of receiving a public record request, an agency, the office of the secretary of the senate, or the office of the chief clerk of the house of representatives must respond in one of the ways provided in this subsection (1):
(a) Providing the record;
(b) Providing an internet address and link on the agency's website to the specific records requested, except that if the requester notifies the agency that he or she cannot access the records through the internet, then the agency must provide copies of the record or allow the requester to view copies using an agency computer;
(c) Acknowledging that the agency, the office of the secretary of the senate, or the office of the chief clerk of the house of representatives has received the request and providing a reasonable estimate of the time the agency, the office of the secretary of the senate, or the office of the chief clerk of the house of representatives will require to respond to the request;
(d) Acknowledging that the agency, the office of the secretary of the senate, or the office of the chief clerk of the house of representatives has received the request and asking the requestor to provide clarification for a request that is unclear, and providing, to the greatest extent possible, a reasonable estimate of the time the agency, the office of the secretary of the senate, or the office of the chief clerk of the house of representatives will require to respond to the request if it is not clarified; or
(e) Denying the public record request."

We require a timely response to our public records act request from KCDA.

Thank you.

From: King County Directors' Association

Attention Requestor:

The King County Directors Association acknowledged the September 23, 2022, public records request by email dated September 30, 2022. That acknowledgment appears on the Muckrock site linked in the request, immediately above your October 2 message. RCW 42.56.520 requires that record requests be acknowledged within five business days; therefore, KCDA's acknowledgement was timely. Please direct any further correspondence regarding this matter to KCDA's public records officer at<>.

David Mahalko

From: Legal Flying Monkey



"KCDA estimates that all records responsive to your request will be made available to you no later than October 10, 2022."

-Kristen Deskin, SHRM-SCP
HR Manager and Public Records Officer

Today is Tuesday, October 11, 2022.

We have not received any records.

Please advise.

Thank you.

From: King County Directors' Association

The purpose of this message is to respond to your Public Records Act request to King County Directors Association dated September 23, 2022. As noted in our initial response, we are providing you with the full installment of all requested records. Per RCW 9.35.005, social security numbers have been removed.

-Kristen Deskin, SHRM-SCP
Public Records Officer, KCDA


