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Agency HQ/PR emails with attribution designation phrases

Part of Fiat Fiendum's FOIA audit, this is an all-agency request for emails containing phrases like "off the record", "on background", etc. It specifically targets emails as stored in centralized databases.

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One email, per organizational unit, dated 2019-04-20

Part of Fiat Fiendum's FOIA audit. This requests exactly one email per organizational unit (department, agency, office, etc) that has a significant-size attachment, was sent to/from the senior members of that unit, and was closest to 4:20 pm on 2019-04-20. This is very narrow, so should test the "simple" processing track, while also auditing compliance with subcomponent referrals, electronic format, and other provisions. And probably get some fun pot-related content.

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52 Articles

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New report highlights shortcomings of Colorado electronic records retention

New report highlights shortcomings of Colorado electronic records retention

Technology has created new problems - and solutions - for government accountability. In Colorado, a transparency group hopes to develop and adopt best practices for its state.

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I paid $125 for this photo of Angela Merkel

I paid $125 for this photo of Angela Merkel

After five years of trying to get records out of the Harvard University Police Department, I ended up spending $125 on a high-resolution photo German Chancellor Angela Merkel. This is the story of how and why.

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This week’s FOIA round-up: Agency attempts at transparency hit road bumps

This week’s FOIA round-up: Agency attempts at transparency hit road bumps

In this week’s FOIA round-up, we take a look at experiments with transparency in Florida, Oregon, and Wisconsin that have recently hit road bumps.

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EPA is latest agency to stop accepting FOIA requests via email

EPA is latest agency to stop accepting FOIA requests via email

Under the Environmental Protection Agency’s new FOIA regulations which were implemented back in July, the EPA is no longer accepting request submissions via email, joining the Federal Bureau of Investigation in requiring requests be made through an online portal or snail mail.

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Emails show internal confusion over Interior’s "Secretary’s Shotgun Showdown"

Emails show internal confusion over Interior’s “Secretary’s Shotgun Showdown”

In 2017, the Department of the Interior announced a new initiative to “reemphasize hunting and fishing” at the DOI: “Secretary’s Shotgun Showdown,” a video game tournament in which employees would take on then-Secretary Ryan Zinke in a game of “Big Buck Hunter Pro” for the chance to win “bragging rights” and a “Beverage on the Balcony.” Just days before the game was dropped off, key details had yet to be finalized.

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12 Requests

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