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A dive into Washington D.C.’s #AmazonHQ2 proposal
Washington D.C. has a lot of the leading qualities Amazon wants in its HQ2 - a large and diverse population, a central location, a tech concentration. But what sets it - and its proposal - apart from other finalists?

FBI file shows just how easy it was for governments to listen in each other’s phone calls in the ‘50s
A heavily redacted section of the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s file on Technical Security Surveys shows just how easy it was for embassies to tap government phones in the mid-’50s. After discovering that the French were listening in on the White House, the FBI to uncovered dozens of phone lines belonging to the governments of American allies that were vulnerable to Communist governments. While securing these lines, a phone tap on the Soviet United Nations delegation had to be pulled - leaving the Bureau with no choice but to go through the Italian embassy.
1 Request
Awaiting Response
Count of [Citizenship Relinquishment & Renunciation, Certificate of Loss of Nationality] requests.
Nicholas Lee sent this request to the U.S. Department of State of the United States of America