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foia appeals

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FOIA administrative record in cases with successful administrative appeal

This all-departments request seeks the entire administrative record in FOIA matters which involved a successful administrative appeal.

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14 Articles

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Five lessons from "FOIA Strategies and Tactics"

Five lessons from “FOIA Strategies and Tactics”

Last weekend, an anonymously-attributed presentation entitled “FOIA Strategies and Tactics” started making the rounds in the #OpenGov community, offering something for beginners, veterans, and fans of vintage Tex Avery alike. While the whole thing’s worth a read, today we wanted to focus on the five points brought up in the presentation’s conclusion, as they address some often-overlooked elements of the whole FOIA process.

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Medford Police Department appears to be ignoring public records requests, in some cases for years

Medford Police Department appears to be ignoring public records requests, in some cases for years

An improved public records law was passed on Beacon Hill two years ago, but just five miles away, the Medford Police Department continues to neglect its legal obligations to records requesters and the public.

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Reminder: Send us your FOIA appeals!

Reminder: Send us your FOIA appeals!

Despite a solid track record of effectiveness, it can be daunting to write an appeal without knowing the proper language to do so. That’s where you come in - by sharing your winning appeals, we’ll be able to populate our database with successful appeal language and exemptions used by states across the nation. We’ll use that database to build out our appeal tool, which helps requesters write their own appeal letters via MuckRock.

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FOIA FAQ: Appealing fee categories and waivers

FOIA FAQ: Appealing fee categories and waivers

Crafting an appeal can be daunting, but the results are worth it. Here’s some quick tips on what you can do to get an agency to reconsider your fee category, which can result in drastically reduced costs.

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FOIA FAQ: What to do when an agency claims not to have records you know it has

FOIA FAQ: What to do when an agency claims not to have records you know it has

One question we get asked a lot here at MuckRock is what to do in situations where an agency claims it has no responsive records when the requester knows the records exist. It comes up with frustrating frequency, we’ve found that the root cause is often one of the five following factors.

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