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free speech

2 Projects

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Death of Free Speech at Polk State College

This is an investigation into the censorship of art by renowned artist Serhat Tanyolacar at Polk State College for being 'too controversial'. I hope to document the internal workings of an American college administration attempting to censor protected speech in the form of artistic expression by an adjunct faculty member.

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1st Amendment Complaints

Complaints and claims of violations of freedom of speech, press, religion, assembly, petition and other 1st amendment issues, for agencies where such issues often come up (police, school districts, universities, meetings of public bodies, etc.)

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4 Articles

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Revenge porn laws face an unexpected civil rights obstacle: The First Amendment

Revenge porn laws face an unexpected civil rights obstacle: The First Amendment

Each state prosecutes nonconsensual pornography differently, and some free speech advocates are concerned that overly-broad laws will actually impede other liberties.

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How FOIA can hold the powerful accountable, public and private alike

How FOIA can hold the powerful accountable, public and private alike

FOIA is a great way to keep the powerful is check, whether they be federal agencies, their employees, or tech giants. This week, stories from the Daily Californian, RealLivePolitics, and Columbia Journalism Review about revealing attempts by the government and two leading tech companies to withhold information from the public.

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Boston Police release arrest reports from August's Free Speech Rally

Boston Police release arrest reports from August’s Free Speech Rally

Back in August, a handful of Nazis, White Supremacists, and “free speech advocates” came to Boston, where they were met by tens of thousands of counter-protesters. While the crowd was huge, only 33 people were arrested. And according to recently released incident reports, at least one of those was a photojournalist who tripped up a cop who might have taken the training wheels off too soon.

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Follow our request for footage of this weekend's counterprotest on the Boston Common

Follow our request for footage of this weekend’s counterprotest on the Boston Common

After an exciting but relatively peaceful weekend of protesting, calm was restored to the city, and MuckRock awaits its latest requests for the official footage of the event.

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16 Requests

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