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The CIA's classified crank call

The CIA’s classified crank call

Formerly SECRET meeting minutes uncovered in the Central Intelligence Agency’s declassified archives show the Agency on the receiving end of an incredibly specific crank call.

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CIA's classified KKK joke

CIA’s classified KKK joke

In the mid-’80s, stories started circulating around Washington about an investigation into an alleged Ku Klux Klan meeting at Central Intelligence Agency’s headquarters in Langley. While the Agency insisted that the whole thing was a “tasteless joke” that had gotten out of hand, the public was left with no choice but to take their word for it - the report containing the investigation’s findings was classified.

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The wit, wisdom, and pitch-black cynicism of the National War College

The wit, wisdom, and pitch-black cynicism of the National War College

In 1988, then-Deputy Director of the CIA Robert Gates gave a talk at the National War College that left enough of an impression that a line or two ended up in the college’s end of the year “Book of Proverbs, Jokes, and Other Comments.” The Agency, never one to let a mention go unarchived, then preserved said book for posterity in CREST. Let’s just say there’s more than a few folks who’d probably prefer that didn’t happen.

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Soviet scientists joked that somebody had made a "political decision" to end UFO sightings in the USSR

Soviet scientists joked that somebody had made a “political decision” to end UFO sightings in the USSR

Mostly redacted CIA records capture a rare Cold War commiseration between American and Soviet meteorologists over weather balloons being mistaken for aliens.

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Ronald Reagan's Irish spy joke

Ronald Reagan’s Irish spy joke

When Ronald Reagan signed the controversial Intelligence Identities Protection Act of 1982 into law, he did so with panache, holding the ceremony at CIA HQ. Before an assembled crowd of friendly members of the Intelligence Community, Reagan felt comfortable enough to start with what he called “an ethnic joke:” the one about Murphy the spy.

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