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Algorithmic Governments

Discovering government uses of artificial intelligence and their social justice impacts

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Three predictions about AI's impact on FOIA and how you can help

Three predictions about AI’s impact on FOIA and how you can help

In almost every FOIA policy discussion these days, the topic of AI comes up. What we are already seeing should be concerning to those who want broad access to the public’s information.

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DockIns: una interfaz para usuarios finales

DockIns: una interfaz para usuarios finales

En los últimos seis meses de nuestra colaboración con LSE, testeamos diferentes herramientas y técnicas para construir una plataforma que ayude a los periodistas de investigación a comprender y procesar documentos poco estructurados y obtener conocimientos útiles.

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Dockins: machine learning para periodistas

Dockins: machine learning para periodistas

El acceso a la información pública tiene un rol fundamental en la exigibilidad de otros derechos y es una de las herramientas principales que la sociedad civil requiere para controlar e influir en los gobiernos.

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Dockins: An interface for end-users

Dockins: An interface for end-users

In the last six months of the JournalismAI Collab, we experimented with different tools and techniques in order to build a platform that helps investigative reporters understand and process unstructured documents to get useful insights. Here’s what we hope to work on next.

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DockIns: Machine Learning on Deadline for Journalists

DockIns: Machine Learning on Deadline for Journalists

La Nacion, CLIP, Ojo Público, and MuckRock collaborated together to explore how machine learning could help fuel more effective ways for journalists, researchers, and the public to keep an eye on large government document sets. Here’s what we learned and how you can build on that work.

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