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12 Projects

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Opening the Chicago Surveillance Fund

The Chicago Police Department (CPD) is using its Narcotics asset forfeiture funds to purchase controversial surveillance equipment. Help Lucy Parsons Labs and MuckRock conduct an independent audit of this fund to find out how this forfeiture money is being spent. We need to find out what new surveillance technologies are being used in Chicago - one of the most heavily surveilled cities in the United States.

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From the Pentagon to the Police: The 1033 Project

As we saw in Ferguson, and most recently in Dallas and Baton Rouge, every day American police look less like a neighborhood watch and more like a paramilitary force. Here's how and why that happened.

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Use of Force Policy Project

As part of our collaboration with Campaign Zero, MuckRock requested use of force policies from the largest police departments in the country.

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The Weapons of Safety and Security in Massachusetts

Weapons are a ubiquitous tool for any police department in the United States. In Massachusetts, the choice of police weapons is delegated to the more than 340 individual police agencies within the state. What weapons have been chosen to provide safety and security to their operating areas?

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Cell Site Simulator Census

A nationwide census of cellphone surveillance equipment use and policy.

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119 Articles

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Six months after the repeal of 50-a, NY police continue to combat the release of disciplinary records

Six months after the repeal of 50-a, NY police continue to combat the release of disciplinary records

MuckRock has partnered with the USA TODAY Network New York, the Brechner Center for Freedom of Information and Syracuse University journalism students to file more than 600 records requests with more than 400 police agencies in hopes of creating a searchable, first-of-its-kind database with disciplinary records from across the state.

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The repeal of New York’s 50-a could be a boon to defense attorneys

The repeal of New York’s 50-a could be a boon to defense attorneys

Though there are still many open questions about the effect of 50-a’s repeal on problematic police officer transparency, it’s a development that highlights the value access can have for the integrity of the criminal justice system.

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Buffalo judge denies police union attempt to block police disciplinary records

Buffalo judge denies police union attempt to block police disciplinary records

Complaints against Buffalo police officers and firefighters — regardless of whether they are unsubstantiated, pending, or involved in a confidential settlement — will remain subject to public disclosure, a New York judge ruled Tuesday.

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The MuckRock/MisinfoCon Police Misinformation Tipsheet

The MuckRock/MisinfoCon Police Misinformation Tipsheet

Misinformation and disinformation originating from law enforcement sources, which has lately included Antifa raids, brick piles, poisoned milkshakes and more, has sparked considerable interest in the past few months. But journalists who cover the police say this is common — even the rule. Here’s what you need to know and how public records can help.

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More than 1,500 records requests to advance police transparency have been filed thanks to MuckRock's readers

More than 1,500 records requests to advance police transparency have been filed thanks to MuckRock’s readers

More than 1,000 MuckRock readers have let us know that they want more transparency around how their local law enforcement agency does its job. You can join them.

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491 Requests

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1 Question

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No response from State Department in two years