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predictive policing
4 Articles

“It’s PredPol, and it’s going to reduce crime”: Agencies take algorithmic effectiveness on faith, with few checks in place
Law enforcement agencies nationwide are using predictive policing software, yet almost none of their users, past or present, have clear measures for how effective or accurate they are.

Eight years in, LAPD can’t measure PredPol’s effect on crime
An internal audit of the Los Angeles Police Department’s Chronic Offender Program and PredPol usage found few accurate ways to measure accountability in data-driven policing.

Predictive policing in DOJ-cited jurisdictions is bad policy, AI Now says
The AI Now Institute is calling for checks on the datasets used by predictive policing systems because of concerns that the technology can perpetuate, rather than address, “dirty” policing practices.

PredPol manual offers a look into the world of policing pre-crime
An Illinois Freedom of Information Act request filed by the Chicago-based Lucy Parsons Labs has led to the release of a “Best Practices and Training Guide” for the PredPol predictive policing software. The manual offers a rare look at how private companies are encouraging police to embrace algorithms as a means of seeking out crime before it happens.
3 Requests
FOIA - CPD - Azavea Hunchlab Documents
J Ader sent this request to the Chicago Police Department of Chicago, IL
Helena J. Csorba sent this request to the Pasco County Sheriff's Office of Pasco County, FL
No Responsive Documents
Michael Dank sent this request to the Philadelphia Police Department of Philadelphia, PA