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revenge porn

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Revenge porn laws face an unexpected civil rights obstacle: The First Amendment

Revenge porn laws face an unexpected civil rights obstacle: The First Amendment

Each state prosecutes nonconsensual pornography differently, and some free speech advocates are concerned that overly-broad laws will actually impede other liberties.

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FBI investigation into Is Anyone Up? shows legal limitations in revenge porn cases

FBI investigation into Is Anyone Up? shows legal limitations in revenge porn cases

The investigation and subsequent indictment of Is Anyone Up?’s Hunter Moore demonstrates the legislative shortcomings when it comes to revenge porn.

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FBI files offer view into sick world of Hunter Moore’s IsAnyoneUp

FBI files offer view into sick world of Hunter Moore’s IsAnyoneUp

Hunter Moore, founder of now-defunct revenge porn isanyoneup.com, claimed that all he did was post pictures people sent in.

An FBI file detailing an federal investigation into the site appears to tell a different story.

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