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The General, the FBI, and the fascist plot to overthrow democracy (that nobody cared about)

The General, the FBI, and the fascist plot to overthrow democracy (that nobody cared about)

As hordes of white men with dopey haircuts take to the streets to denouce progress, it’s worth taking a look at a moment in American history when a bunch of rich dudes attempted to turn the country in a fascist dictatorship through overt violence, before they realized they could just hijack the electoral system - the story of General Smedley Darlington Butler and the Business Plot.

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As US Marshals director resigns amid scandal, questions mount over agency's cell phone tracking

As US Marshals director resigns amid scandal, questions mount over agency’s cell phone tracking

This week, the director of the US Marshals, Stacia Hylton, announced that she will step down within the year. Director Hylton’s resignation follows increased scrutiny regarding allegations of fiscal mismanagement, cronyism and dubious surveillance practices - especially concerning the infamous Stingray cell phone trackers.

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U.S. Marshals Service conceals key details of millions spent on StingRays

U.S. Marshals Service conceals key details of millions spent on StingRays

While the agency doesn’t appear to be under an NDA, the USMS has withheld a wide range of basic information under an exemption meant to protect law enforcement techniques. However, much of the redacted data is already available online via a federal accounting website.

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Semper FOIA: How a faulty hard drive delayed a Marine Corps request by nearly six years

Semper FOIA: How a faulty hard drive delayed a Marine Corps request by nearly six years

A nearly five-year old request is put on hiatus while the most technically advanced fighting force in world takes on a malfunctioning external hard drive.

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